The World Energy Council Energy Council ranks Ecuador among the top 5 countries in energy security worldwide.
Now there is even talk of peak oil, which refers to the decline of oil fields. And not
precisely because oil is running out, but because nature is increasingly compromised.
Is it worth continuing to risk the planet?
All this translates into the imperative need for a diversification of the energy matrix into
renewable renewable sources. The advantages: less pollution, greater energy security and
energy access to rural areas.
In Ecuador, after the oil boom, fossil fuels were consolidated as the main source of energy. Energy generation and hydroelectricity are the main source of electricity. According to OLADE and Conelec data, in 2008, oil represented 84% of the energy matrix and hydroelectricity 59% of the electricity matrix in the country, with 38% of electricity generated in fossil fuel thermal power plants. The generation of energy from renewable sources did not even reach 1%.
The state's proposal to change the energy matrix is focused on the promotion of new hydroelectric plants with a planned expansion of 86%. new hydroelectric plants. Out of this percentage, 32% will come from a single plant, Coca Codo Sinclair.
Therefore, the state proposal does not diversify the energy production but, rather deepens dependence on two resources: water and oil. It is of outmost importance to diversify the energy matrix with renewable energy in order to provide greater security and less vulnerability in energy supply.
Studies reveal that geothermal energy, bioenergy, solar energy and wind energy are the best alternatives for Ecuador. energy are presented as the best alternatives for Ecuador. These options result in less environmental impact. Specifically, GHG emissions and primary pollutants would be reduced. primary pollutants. The air circulating in the cities would be purer and there would be less respiratory diseases in the population. less respiratory illnesses in the population.
Ecuador's topography gives it a high potential for renewable energies such as photovoltaic and wind power.photovoltaic and wind energy. Currently, there is a paradigm shift towards a "Prosumer" who is a consumer capable of producing his own electricity.